| Pick items
• Items:
[–]/76561198009370605aranciokov 6 10324, cheers :)
[–]/76561198040420499greendonkeycow 6 16020
[–]/76561198018445774superpippo17 8 13412
[–]/76561198071926221arjiwan 9 1717 Thanks so much.
[–]/76561198035254939WiiGi 9 12,500! Thank you~
[–]/76561197999229399wesleyjhere 10 919
[–]/76561198278905476BeatPunchmeat 11 11111
[–]/76561198000724542deques 11 5705 Really nice giveaway!
[–]/76561198074831760k4ydu5h 12 Thanks for the giveaway! You got a message on your trade thread from me! 17352
[–]/76561198194427174eliizaak 12 21014
[–]/76561198042637300orange_plum 13 16456
[–]/76561198381808246samip123 13 7558
[–]/76561198342231079fankgodforgirls 14 Turning into giftofgames over here :) 17611
[–]/76561198381906023tinylittlebabyjesus 14 8427 Thank you!
[–]/76561197990918856Sovereign2 14 12500 Thanks!
[–]/76561198088477065TheMeddlingMonk8 14 1234
[–]/76561197995824441sweetcuppingcakes 14 9365
[–]/76561198011734999Ksgred 15 17654 Thanks for the chance!
[–]/76561198108537775firedog1235 15 Thats awesome that you are doing this give away. My number is 7421
[–]/76561198011546793BebopDC 17 19,751
[–]/76561198049342473HlValadeen 17 7777
[–]/76561197973200915xyGvot 17 2397 thanks a bunch for the chance!
[–]/76561198025450383Trinityofwar 18 21082
[–]/76561198012099629corbin26 18 10286, Thanks!
[–]/76561198007901952Nascosta 18 5683
[–]/76561198077874978ptlegoman 18 1999
[–]/76561197991182830brando2021 18 2021
[–]/76561198224198248Pennybutthole 19 23232
[–]/76561198137422438slothman245 19 333 Thanks a lot! Best of luck to everyone
[–]/76561198000551976georgenooryblows 19 17276 Thanks.
[–]/76561198214819824keethesh 19 Thank you!
[–]/76561198025477479SteelRaines 19 3513Many Thanks for the giveaway and Good Luck to the eventual winner.
[–]/76561198029635086dmn002 19 842 thanks
[–]/76561198030241230Shareproof 19 1274 Thanks for the giveaway man!
[–]/76561198058018831Gingervirus710 20 5150
[–]/76561198058547685PlanetPudding 20 669
[–]/76561198118199116ProfesserQuacks 20 17854
[–]/76561198272941857coopdiddy 20 21344 Lady Luck! And thanks for the chance!
[–]/76561197984653907matthewdavis 20 17239
[–]/76561198301007922K41namor 20 11851Thanks for doing this, really kind. Also game looks great!
[–]/76561198320420564JeraldTan 20 7542! Thanks mate :)
[–]/76561198126093660MoreC33 20 Thanks for the giveaway!2,069
[–]/76561198340240453Kapkar123 20 Thanks! 23
[–]/76561198147986323MiniMinute 20 1121Thank you!
[–]/76561198025397322doobiedoo23 21 1964 Thanks man
[–]/76561197999169397turkeyfox 21 14786
[–]/76561198107075111ToiletIcer 21 20392
[–]/76561198161222928Gundam_Regens 21 5946
[–]/76561197976889120bigolac 21 2453 - thanks!
[–]/76561197963636883Poketrainer132 21 13033
[–]/76561198079457253Slimeyyy 21 7560
[–]/76561198052453442stefa168 21 Wow, thanks for the giveaway!2374I watched a lot of gameplays, and I'd love to play this game myself. I just hope I'm not too late to join
[–]/76561198057334282hsemaj 22 6666 Cheers.
[–]/76561198010014128NeverKnowsBest007 22 15345 ty
[–]/76561198022675135iamshikaku 22 10772 is my winning number. Nice comp Op.
[–]/76561198064030454spiderskillchickens 22 4561
[–]/76561198061775057sargentocharli 22 15426
[–]/76561197999830989crackerjeffbox 23 7862
[–]/76561198128324275xItsATarpx 23 5434Thanks for the Giveaway! :D
[–]/76561198025162190GodDamSalami 23 18539
[–]/76561197981581019Orpartlu 23 8678
[–]/76561198164574769DeFy_Logicc 23 I love that you're giving these away! :)My number is 11024Thanks again! :)
[–]/76561198054951053Maxerature 23 I love this game, but my friends don't know about it! Time wo win them some games!17234
[–]/76561198169507591Captain_hammer_throw 17,483Thanks for the giveaway!
[–]/76561198332430398JaywyeTrades 4392 - Thank you for the giveaway <3
[–]/76561198054966157Exolve708 18888thanks op \o/
[–]/76561197969873080gingerpembers Nice one pal! 12667Hope you get some good exposure for your sub :)
[–]/76561197997613829SoortGames Damn i love to get that game, i hope i'm the winner! My number: 1525 I wish everyone luck!!!!
[–]/76561197971030884AkionRevlis 87 Thanks for the contest.
[–]/76561198196283321maximo310 18395
[–]/76561198005407658tassadarforaiur 23500 Thanks!
[–]/76561198056988994LuckyRalph931 Thank!17355
[–]/76561198031555628Nooghri 23 Thanks dor this! :-)
[–]/76561197993510286--craig-- 19825
[–]/76561198036415208vaskkr 354, thanks mate!
[–]/76561197992509542eltel33t 24679
[–]/765611980347429940rangePulp 1313 , thanks for the giveaway!
[–]/76561198071737010gamingpolice1102 17598
[–]/76561198001411260therichmiller 22500
[–]/76561198051163880unsuspiciousplatypus 21271
[–]/76561198043971392sushir89 18164Thanks for the giveaway! :)
[–]/76561198049989577Chihirios 1463Love ya!
[–]/76561198060683449RuckrTN 14211
[–]/76561198016162265krayawn 5501thanks good sir
[–]/76561198076008061LurkerRex 955Thanks for the generous giveaway OP!
[–]/76561197999462109digitalhitokiri 7829
[–]/76561198068904453CosmicJax 18520
[–]/76561198072642942Cyberking78 17,257
[–]/76561198007669027Underground_Carrot 12121 Thanks**
[–]/76561198046756194Glerann 360 - thanks for the chance
[–]/76561198108309257lukeybash123 3773
[–]/76561198263345778micaiah131 22223
[–]/76561198105061353bexiczek Thanks for making this community better! :) You are good guy, upvoted =)
[–]/76561198045193357totoedrm 14141! Thank you!
[–]/76561198059434940spiritualplayboy1 5555
[–]/76561198041678763ZombieTrick 2832
[–]/76561197961737634xmasterprime 34647 Thanks!
[–]/76561197962662432darcro 11777
[–]/76561198121052841Dahv33 * 1275 . Thanks bud
[–]/76561197994402717777Sir 13654
[–]/76561198230081356Tencore awesome giveaway :)15555
[–]/76561198107911973Vicarous 5750
[–]/76561198027867927Selitos_OneEye 12874
[–]/76561198039772524Mazaruu 20761, Thanks!
[–]/76561198054891752Yuzunagi 14562, thanks OP
[–]/76561198005918350tripleacabs 21985
[–]/76561198064250262SlamaCo 15000 thanks!
[–]/76561198042713039tennisboy94 12420
[–]/76561198047646497Frederik3152 4160
[–]/76561198440309008RebornGeek 23458
[–]/76561198317970577Lynch47 4747
[–]/76561198052963174NaNaNaNaNa_BaDman 1996
[–]/76561198081305376bcktth 11,111
[–]/76561197968129395Groen28 22933
[–]/76561198201120799Sackacuga I'm not interested in the game myself, but looking to pick one up for a friend. Thanks!7
[–]/76561198149968620Xeros29 8 Thanks!
[–]/765611979888266890ctogod 16535
[–]/76561198085136864tantrrick 22145thank you, super cool
[–]/76561198038422362LostPixel 255
[–]/76561198225120108Ryanjtombs 17500Thanks for the chance OP!
[–]/76561197972799925Zinzinneke 2112
[–]/76561198060810062paladin442 1409 Thank you OP
[–]/76561198252664002TSM_ImagineDragonX 69
[–]/76561198740207258Gagsdan[🍰] 17617
[–]/76561197968949746jmiscavish 13455Thanks!
[–]/76561198073971245jjh0421 16427Wow, good on you for such a great giveaway!
[–]/76561198251823010drfoqui 17964 Thanks!
[–]/76561198069430968ByahTyler 9472
[–]/76561198050260530provo65 1965.Thank you so much.
[–]/76561198060721882GamezBond13 3313 (prime number because they are cool)Also, for anyone who's a newbie here, this guy (OP) is an awesome trader.
[–]/76561198015412219Vanzemljak 10000GL everyone
[–]/76561198207074065kdamon 18565
[–]/76561198066199809Aurum0 11246Thank you!
[–]/76561198042854229coolg963 948
[–]/76561198006560004Devious_Dexter 15643 or 15,643
[–]/76561198076337938Kermit64 Thanks for the giveaway!My number is 16331
[–]/76561198150121853adamrcarmack 13518
[–]/76561198301655414Luke4five 10057
[–]/76561198054302578corel4d2 1465
[–]/76561198047009278oliviermt 14356Thanks OP!
[–]/76561198013460812LunaArc Thanks for doing this!
[–]/76561198060550814August-7 7
[–]/76561198022490828Austinopec 2525
[–]/76561198037298224Xysos 10101
[–]/76561197981364220jollyguy 3487
[–]/76561198003550215kloutier 12451Love this game!
[–]/76561198040100269vord 19435Thanks for the contest!
[–]/76561198000454642Gongom 19004
[–]/76561198028233426HoDillyDor 23423
[–]/76561198076982328starfuks 12374 Thank you!
[–]/76561198044277251Crobiusk 9732
[–]/76561198026506120fngrps 6221Thanks for the giveaway!
[–]/76561198072267821freshnupwithme 11010
[–]/76561197978896187d3solut3 1985, thanks for doing this :)
[–]/76561198122783143pm_me_mBTC 7643
[–]/76561198019608311M1dknight 1337because you are awesome for giving away a great game. Been watching so many people play this, but THERE ARE TOO MANY GAMES TO PLAY THESE DAYS UGHHHHHH.Anyway, best of luck to all!
[–]/76561198067593250Antonispaid 112 OP, you are a nice guy
[–]/76561198015721039PaxMu 3683Thanks OP!
[–]/76561198069610077jkiper93 11796
[–]/76561198024347950ncartwright15 1171
[–]/76561197969211652Cipherwolf 12346
[–]/76561198094129845Lu98ish 1750Thank you OP!!!
[–]/76561198010194084DarkIncred 16969
[–]/76561197965718961LionheartX042 Thank you for the giveaway! I've been really curious about this game so I will try my hand at it. My number is 7805
[–]/76561198044436547gateway12231 17389Wow! This is great!
[–]/76561198013714605DunbarTrout Thanks!13817
[–]/76561198060827919Mikefu4lyfe 4567Thanks for doing this!
[–]/76561198074118381WightBread 13245 Thanks for doing this. Good luck to all. Especially me
[–]/76561198095893013Fressor 3334 Thank you.
[–]/76561198015272007porktron 30001 Thank you!
[–]/76561198083144835sothisx 2907
[–]/76561198061988559cruznec 5423
[–]/76561198047615684Imfrommauritius Woah it looks like you have unlimited Humble credit :) Thanks for sharing the love! Have an upvote!8999
[–]/76561198044687076rreo1215 My damn numba is 1666, thank you for da chance bud!
[–]/76561198027576281ecbremner 12345
[–]/76561198094081016kiron11 17474
[–]/76561198010766040Tang87 17Thanks!
[–]/76561198113597076--SE7EN-- 7414 count me in.
[–]/76561198123251072DwightFSchrute 23000
[–]/76561198198121067nachthai 21Thanks for the Giveaway!
[–]/76561198030325010silverside30 13327Thanks so much for the generosity!
[–]/76561197972271187GeneralHavok 1404 and thank you very much for the giveaway
[–]/76561198046172581StygianFuhrer 13000
[–]/76561198130462778FlashWooolFumble 777 good luck
[–]/76561198074847762Valid_Invalidity 21926
[–]/76561198025402278Coal909 39I played they are billions at friends, definitely scratched a inch
[–]/76561198139623862Chromebookarthur 23678Thanks
[–]/76561198140464060nyadnov 15794Good luck everyone!
[–]/76561198009208597alex24boom 12,249Can't pass up on a giveaway, thanks mate!
[–]/76561198316678048Joaba1 20021You are such a nice person for doing this.
[–]/76561198026329456Volcheff 950
[–]/76561198053923710Cacheira 666may our lord and savior help me
[–]/76561198075005505HsiehLi 24000, thanks for doing this
[–]/76561197995861151Mind101 16855, thanks!
[–]/76561198154417007oxkwirhf 4848thanks OP!
[–]/76561198025294548feelidae_ 18628
[–]/76561198028309298Tainted-Archer 8095
[–]/76561197996783014mcsestretch 12459Thank you OP
[–]/76561198012195365The1WhoKares HelloI'll try 2509Thank you for the giveaway!
[–]/76561197966810038Firebird4Life 4375Thanks for doing this, very kind of you good sir/madam!
[–]/76561198024705578TheTrMachine 7354Thank you!!
[–]/76561198239444554sonikshot 4165Thanks for this!
[–]/76561198262892215omnilock 23
[–]/76561198059142823SaintBert 420 cheers :P
[–]/76561198170250825PyroG8r 509
[–]/76561198013548430KurtAngle2 23091 :)
[–]/76561198226063836DarkSoulsIdiot 2307 thank you very much for this OP! :)
[–]/76561198024822386XENXX 23456Thanks!
[–]/76561198053738963DarkW7 1258
[–]/76561198107933790Storm7Shadow That's a sick game, I would love to play that. Upboated. thanks for doing this man.22222
[–]/76561197998264610Whitestride 44
[–]/76561198067812928namemyaccount 10197
[–]/76561198236644760HarleyGC 7796 thanks for he chance!
[–]/76561198116585100NaNCarrioS That's a nice game; my friend always talks about it when leaving me alone on TeamSpeak LUL 8496
[–]/76561197997693159KLesschaeve 3115 Cheers mate!
[–]/76561198126087158themiraclemaker 111 Thanks a lot!!
[–]/765611980598176730ngdia 23212. Thanks and gl guys.
[–]/76561198000487685GTKnight 8927 thanks for the giveaway
[–]/76561198089786721AlphaXeno 7678
[–]/76561198061786524th4 7641Thanks for the GA!
[–]/76561198000079351Jeffrey7s 14957
[–]/76561198025028841Haas360 Very kind of you sir 4273
[–]/76561198202219863Raphealxx 3131
[–]/76561197976112336CraggyTub 13 please XD thanks for the chance to win!
[–]/76561198067056029-DarkNeko 6709Thank you for the chance OP!
[–]/76561197986242069bAShyyy 322
[–]/76561198048106788jonaskhm 7115!
[–]/76561198328846592AndyPufuletz123 36 thanks OP
[–]/76561198053273784Siridar 1123, thanks for the opportunity OP!
[–]/76561198254145658ImNotPlayingGeeza 1
[–]/76561198048858068tkako 9999 Thanks!
[–]/76561198244333300Armani_Chi 14321
[–]/76561198119706787HunkyChunk 8157 Thanks for the giveaway!
[–]/76561198068539651CheapDimeStoreHood 1738
[–]/76561198049086812sleepy_girlfriend 777 thanks for this giveaway :)
[–]/76561198028012366leftkal 7594
[–]/76561198088132931Terminatorn 12535 or 12,535.
[–]/76561198000447793Reapist 349
[–]/76561198097242611AmirRouichi 4444
[–]/76561198075716367D9sinc 742 would be my option. I love the idea of the game and I'll check out your trade thread to see if we can do business even if I don't win.
[–]/76561198017433828Allan512 13615 :D
[–]/76561198042117260kaiserwroth 24235 Thanks for the giveaway!
[–]/76561198039516329Keka14 Thanks! I will go with 714 :)
[–]/76561198068047860ShadowExcalibur- 6945 Thank you for the giveaway!
[–]/76561198014918590MaestroPolo 24999cheers for being a cool guy and thanks :)
[–]/76561198804715326DeadByHannah 7,777 :P
[–]/76561197991769476the_cool_racoon 24126
[–]/76561198260531342pjtupaz 17921I hope I get it! haha
[–]/76561198321163787e_nygma89 9327 Thanks!
[–]/76561197978166052LG03 19500
[–]/76561198062461851ykelle 19378 Thanks, mate
[–]/76561198014414986patr1ckly 13
[–]/76561198018439548jen_pai You're giving these away?! :Ooo 1427 I wouldn't ask for upvotes btw, post might get removed
[–]/76561198009022916Poepstamper 18333
[–]/76561198072403328ShutUpAndExplode 5641
[–]/76561198044596404Leema1 3524 thanks!
[–]/76561198002755346Kizsde Thanks for the opportunity!369
[–]/76561197986551592FormerLurker 16847
• Number of items to pick: 2 |