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Ticket number: 1915306H7MTU

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The ticket number is password for viewing the ticket.
The ticket is a proof for those who receive the ticket number before the drawn date.
Type: Pick items
• Items:
Michael S
Adrian S
Michel K
Gianpietro V
Graham S
Ayman A
Giacomo C
David W
Tobias M
Calogero L
Vinson P
Rafael A
Jean-Marie P
Renaud H
Thomas O
Ladislav L
gandeboeuf g
Ian R
Romain L
• Number of items to pick: 1
Description: RaceRoom GP Silverstone | FRX Server 1
Drawing: Scheduled at 2020-08-11 11:00:00 UTC Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Created at: 2020-08-10 10:39:06 UTC Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)


place #1:   Michel K